Mullu Koneya mele muuru kereya katti
muLLu koneya mElE mUru kereya katti eradu thumbadhu ondhu thumbalE illa
Three lakes are built on the tip of a thorn and two cannot be filled and one is not filled. Tip of a thorn represents infinitesimally small entity. Here it means jIva. why?
"ashvabAlAgramAdAya vibhajya shatadhA hi tat.h | punashcha shatadhA bhinnaM kiyanmAnaM bhavishyati | tAvad.hbrahmAdi\ - jIvAnAM parimANaM prakIrtitaM ||"
If one takes the tip of horse's tail and splits into one hundred parts and takes one part and further divides into one hundred parts, that is known to be the size of the jIvas starting from Brahma.
Perennial Meaning:
Lake represents body. The jIva or svarupa Deha is constituted by three bodies - Anadi Linga Deha (Casual Body), Aniruddha Deha OR Sukshma Deha (Subtle Body) and Sthula Deha (Gross body).
The first two Dehas, viz. Linga Deha and Sukshma Deha cannot be filled with Sadhanodka (meaning not possible to accomplish Sadhana), while the Sthula Deha i.e., Gross body can be utilized for Sadhana. But even this is not filled because our Sadhana is not yet complete or we are not doing enough Sadhana.
thumbalilladha kerege bamdharu mUvaru oddaru ibbaru kuntaru obbage kale illa
For the lake that is not filled, came three stone-cutters or diggers. Two are lame and one does not have legs.
Perennial Meaning:
Three stone-workers are three stages that happen to the Sthula Deha I.e. Gross Body -Boyhood, Youth and Old age.
Boyhood and Old age are like lame men. In Boyhood, one is immature and indulges in fun and playing. In old age insecurity, weakness and fatigue set in. Thus these two are hard to utilize for Sadhana. While in Youth, one has lot of strength to do Sadhana, but there is little effort or willingness to perceive. Thus not having willingness is like not having leg.
kAlilladha oddage kottaru mUru emmegaLa eradu baradu ondhakkaruvE illa
Legless worker is given three buffalos. Two buffalos are barren and one does not have calf.
Perennial Meaning:
The three buffalos are the three desires known as Ishhanatrayaru – wife (Madadhi), children (Makkalu) and wealth (Iswarya). It is well known that when in Youth, the three desires set in. Wife and children are hindrances to Dharmasadhana and hence like a barren baffalo. One may argue what if they are cooperative in Dharmasadhana. But, still the Bandha or the bondage is a handicap in doing full Sadhana. Wealth need not be Dharma Pratibandhaka and instead it can be Dharmasadhaka. But more often than not, it is used for materialist pleasure seeking only and hence it is like a buffalo without calf. Thus not having calf is like not having "Dharma-Chitta" (- the person does not utilize all wealth only for Dharma Karyas).
karuvilladha emmege kottaru mUru honnugaLa eradu savakalu ondhu sallalE illa
Three piles of Gold were given to the buffalo without calf. Two were utilized and one was never utilized.
Perennial Meaning:
The wealth (Gold) can be spent in three ways –
1. Dharma Marga 2. Adharma Marga 3. Preserve for the generation
One may observe that it takes the course of the last two. The wealth is either used for wrong purpose or preserved for the future generations, but it is utilized. The first one - Dharma Marga - is not utilized at all.
salladhidhdha honnige bandharu mUvaru notagAraru ibbaru kurudaru obbage kaNNE illa
For the wealth, which is not utilized in Dharma Marga, came three observers.
Perennial Meaning:
Two are blind and one does not have eyes.
The three observers are the three kinds of Karmas 1. Sanchita 2. Agami & 3. Prarabdha. One does not know any thing about the Sanchita and Agami Karamas as one is Past and the other Is Future and so they are like blind men. But one can gauge Prarabdha, the third one as that is reflected in what happens to us in this present life. Thus it is perceivable, but still one is so engrossed in materialistic pleasures, that one has no eye to see the third one also.
kaNNilladha notagArage kottaru mUru UrugaLa eradu hALu ondhakke okkalE illa
Three towns are given to the eyeless observer. Two are deserted and one does not have any inhabitants.
Perennial Meaning:
All of us, who are undergoing Prarabdha, are equipped with Three Gunas - Sattva, Rajas and Tamas. Rajas and Tamas cannot lead to Moksha and so they are like deserted towns. Even though Sattva Marga can lead us to Moksha, one does not use it and so it is like a town having no inhabitants.
okkalilladha Urige bandharu mUvaru kumbAraru ibbaru choncharu obbage kayyE illa
Three potters came to the town without inhabitants. Two are crippled arms and one does not have arm.
Perennial Meaning:
Sattva Guna can be further classified as Sattvatamas, Sattvarajas and Sattvasattva. The three Abhimani Devatas for these are Rudra, Brahma and Vishnu respectively.
Rudra and Brahma are not independent and so they are crippled (Svatantro Bhagavan Vishnu- only Lord Vishnu is independent). Though Vishnu is independent and capable of giving us Moksha, He has not relieved us from this Samsara. Thus "not having arm/hand" is to be taken figuratively to mean not wiling to help us.
kai illadha kumbAranu mAdidha mUru madikegaLa eradu odaku ondhakke budavE illa
The Potter without hands, made three pots - two have holes (broken) and one does not have bottom.
Perennial Meaning:
Vishnu, who has not used His hand to help us, gave three tools - Viveka (knowledge), Vyragya (detachment) and Bhakti (devotion).
We don't have Knowledge and Detachment and so they are like pot with holes. We try to have Devotion, but Devotion without Knowledge and Detachment is like a bottomless pot. Devotion must have the support of Knowledge and Detachment. Otherwise it is futile.
budavillada madikege hAkidharu mUru akkikALa eradu bEyadhu ondhu bEyalE illa
Three rice grains were put in this bottomless pot. Two were unable to be cooked and one was uncooked.
Perennial Meaning:
The bottomless devotion has three forms which are like thee rice grains - Sattvika Bhakti, Rajasika Bhakti and Tamasika Bhakti.
Rajasika Bhakti and Tamasika Bhakti are devotion of pomp and show cannot lead us to moksha and so they unable to be cooked. Sattvika Bhakti can lead us to moksha, but we are not utilizing it and so this is uncooked.
bEyalilladha akkige bandharu mUvaru nentaru ibbaru uNNaru obbage hasivE illa
Three relatives came to eat this uncooked grain. Two don't eat and one is not hungry.
Perennial Meaning:
This Sattvika Bhakti can be exercized by the three "Karana-s" (means, known as Trikarana-s), viz. Mind, Speech and Action (thought, word and deed). Speech and Action without Thought cannot lead us to moksha. Also at the end body gets destroyed, the tongue and body cannot taste the moksharasa. Mind and chitjnana can lead us to moksha, but if jijnasattva itself is lacking. The mind is not hungry.
hasive illadha nentage kottaru mUru kaNapegaLa eradu thAkadhu ondhu thAkalE illa
This hunger less relative is given (hit with) three cudgel (punishing rods). Two can't touch and one doesn’t touch.
Perennial Meaning:
The Mind is put to pain by the sorrows of Past, Future and Current Births. We have no clue about the Past and Future Births. Thus we don't realize those pains and so they can't touch. We experience the pain of Current Birth and so it certainly can have impact on us; but unfortunately, it is not having an impact on us as we are either carried away with the pleasure experiences or always repenting on the pain experiences.
thAkalilladha kaNapeya thAkisi sadhgathIya nIyabEku purandhara viTTala rAya
By making the untouching cudgel touch us, Oh Purandara Vitthala! please grant us moksha.
Perennial Meaning:
By making us realize the impact of the sorrow of current birth, Oh Purandara Vitthala! Guide us on the path of moksha by giving knowledge, devotion and detachment and grace us with moksha.
Respected Sir,
ReplyDeleteWhen I first listened to this song, I was very much impressed with the lyrics but had no clue how to interpret it. Your crisp & clear explanation opened my eyes. Thank you very much.
Hare Krishna!!
Rajini Moudgalya, Irvine, California, USA.
Really Wonderful Composition by Purandara Dasaru.
ReplyDeleteDasarendare Purandara Dasarayya!!
Nice composition but this is not palatable. Not right on part of Shri Purandara Dasa to say this :
ReplyDelete"Rudra and Brahma are not independent and so they are crippled (Svatantro Bhagavan Vishnu- only Lord Vishnu is independent)"
Being Shiva dveshi or lowly opinionated on Shiva Tattva is totally improper, and a form of Ajnana. Para Brahmam called by any name is one. Shiva and Vishnu are one and the same.
Not properly explained in this explanation.
DeleteSomeone who has understood properly can write in simple sentences so that many of us can learn
Sir, here how I understood is bramha is Srushti kartha, Shiva layakarta.. the physical body created gets disposed. So they are dependent in the sense you can't end something that is not born. Aatma is eternal.. it can attain moksha but no birth and death.. Vishnu is the nurturer. He can nurture both body and soul. Nurturing soul is what leads to moksha. So it may be that reason. I am not an expert in any sense. Just my own understanding.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteYou know there are over 3 ancient evidences where one can see EKA PADA shiva splitting himself into two branches on his left vishnu and on the right brahma, taking forms to carry out required tasks for the ultimate evolution of shiva consciousness. Not one god is less or big, every gods have their own tasks to carry out and manage the results, so only a person with an evil agenda or less wisdom can translate or manipulated original translations. Shiva is the Inversion of Vishnu. For me i have felt that shiva is the ultimatum, Vishnu might be an immediate solution.
DeleteYou can listen to the chandra chooda Shiva Shankar parvat song composed by purandara dasa. He glorifies Shiva as parama vaishnava.
My name is Kesava Rao Tadipatri and was the original translator and took lot of time and effort to do that. It is ok to copy, but acknowledging the original source helps in answering the questions like that of this anonymous. It is utter ignorance to say that a statement "Shiva is not independent" is "shiva dvesha". It is just common sense that there can not be two independent entities. Shiva is very great and a great devotee of Vishnu and the Lord Vishnu wants all the humans to worship Shiva and so in his avatAras of Rama and Krishna, he worships Shiva to show thw path to others and while he worships Shiva, he actually bows to His own form inside Shiva. All these become evident in Banasura episode, etc. Secondly Krishna openly says "mattaH parataram nAnyat kimchidasti"(There is nothing superior to me). In the entire set of scriptures, show one place where Shiva says the same. In their Mula rUpas, Shiva and Brahma always bow to Vishnu and Vishnu never bows to Brahma or Shiva. These anonymus must claim that Krishna is a liar when he makes such statement in Gita and entire Gita is a bunch of lies!! Shiva is a post. Vishnu is not a post. When current Shiva goes to Mukti, another great soul comes as Shiva. Without proper knowledge of the scriptures, these people talk making shaastra a political arena like voting for politicians. Shiva is zillions of times higher than us, but saying Vishnu is sarva-antaryami is not bringing down Shiva's stature. The truth is truth. The Lord has approved Purandara dAsa.
ReplyDeleteDear Shri. Keshav Rao Tadipatri avare,
DeleteNamaskaragalu mattu hrutpoorvaka dhanyavadagalu. Nimma E hari seve thumba janagalige upayogakaravaagide. Naanu ee translation annu nimma blog nalli modale nodidde. So I fully agree with your comment " It is ok to copy, but acknowledging the original source helps in answering the questions like that of this anonymous." Really hats off to you sir. Such a humble ness. You are really great sir. Once again whole-hearted thanks to your effrots by doing this Hari seve. Namo namaha.
Also your clear explanation on dot to anonymous is very convincing.
DeleteHari sarvottama Vayu Jevottama.
Respected Sir, excellente work and apt reply given to clear the doubt regarding superiority of Vishnu bhagwan, among the three Demi Gods Viz.Shiva, Brahma and Vishnu. It is said that Shri Mahavishnu is the originator of these three Gods. Kindly explain the role of Shiva and Brahma.
DeleteAnanthakoti namashkar
While the objection to supremacy of Vishnu by anonymous is understandable, it is inappropriate here. Purandara Dasa, is a parama VaishNava. As rightly pointed by Sri Tadipatri, Vaishnava by definition is one who considers Vishnu = Narayana, as the foremost with none second.
ReplyDeletePerhaps if we just stayed with two subtle bodies- Jeevaatma, Paramatma, and one gross body for all the threes in the lyrics, without invoking Brahma, VishNu and Shiva- it would still work. This three entities is again Dwaita or Vishishtadvaita (Vaishnava/Srivaishnava/ Bhagavad-Geeta) concept (Bg15.verses 16 and 17). For Jeevatma and Paramaatma - no need of anything (fulfilled), sthula body generally nothing helps (futile)according to Purandra Dasaru at least. Just give up and give-in!
ReplyDeleteWas seeking the meaning for this and found it here. No one lesser than learned and blessed person like keshavji can give such a great translation and meaning. Namaskara.
DeleteWas seeking the meaning for this and found it here. No one lesser than learned and blessed person like keshavji can give such a great translation and meaning. Namaskara.
DeletePlease update this with Kannada lyrics and explanation. And sir, a really nice Seva to Lord Vishnu, by uploading it here. Ananta Pranamagalu nimage.
ReplyDeleteI have the Kannada version of the meaning of this lyric. If any one interested I will send the pdf. Definitely Kannada meaning gives a better picture than English meaning. Not to discourage English.
ReplyDeleteDear sir,
DeletePlease send me the Kannada meaning if this song. I would be very thankful to you. My email ID is
Dear sir,
DeletePlease send me the Kannada meaning if this song. I would be very thankful to you. My email ID is
Sir please send Kannada PDF meaning to my mail I'd
Dear Narayana Rao,
DeletePlease send the kannada version of lyrics to my email id: arunn.j5@gmail.com
Thank you very much. Regards.
Namaskara Narayana Rao,
DeletePlease send the kannada version of lyrics to my email id: manojkumarpandregmail.com
A spiritual seeker
dear shri Narayana Rao,
Deletekindly send me the kannada translation in PDF to my email id praghunrao@gmail.com Many thanks in advance,
P. Raghunathan Rao
Sir, since many are requesting to email the Kannada PDF, I think it would be better if you can upload it in Google drive or Dropbox and share the link here.
DeleteDear Sir,
DeletePl send me the kannada meaning of this to my email id
Many thanks in advance
Warm Regards,Santosh
Please send the Kannada version to raghgk@gmail.com
DeleteThnx a lot
ಪ್ರಿಯ ನಾರಾಯಣ ರಾವ್,
ಈ ಬ್ಲಾಗ್ ಅನ್ನು ನಾನು ಇವತ್ತೇ ನೋಡಿದ್ದು.
ದಯವಿಟ್ಟು ಕನ್ನಡದಲ್ಲಿ ಇರುವ ಲೇಖನ ಕಳಿಸಿ.
ನಮನಗಳೊಂದಿಗೆ, ದೇವರಾಜು.
Would be grateful to receive the kannada version of the explanation of this beautiful Sri Purandaradasara rachane at mskarpur@gmail.com. Thanks!
Deleteದಯವಿಟ್ಟು ಕನ್ನಡದಲ್ಲಿ ಅರ್ಥ ಇದ್ರೆ ಹಾಕಿ 🙏
DeleteDear sir,
DeleteIt would be grateful of you, if you could send kannada meaning of the verses.
Meaning given by Keshwa Rao is very nice and in accordance with puranas.
ReplyDeleteBut being a Kannadiga I would like to read in kannada also. Kindly share it
Dhanayadaglu sir intha olle dasara padada artha tilisidakke
ReplyDeleteDear SriRam, can't thank you enough for explaining the meaning. I recently got bugged by vasu dixit's song and was looking for meaning. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteDear Sir please mail the Kannada version meaning .
Please send the Kannada meaning in PDF
Please send the Kannada meaning in PDF to hirannayya@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletePlease send the kannada version of lyrics to my email id: kranjith89@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteExcellent song and very apt and true meanings. if any name is ok take it in whatever name you want. Historically the great composer and singer shri Purandaradasa got convinced of the current philosophy of his times.As for as he is concerned, he is perfectly justified to take his stand and declare his convictions. He does not impose any thing on any body nor he authoritatively declared anything to the world to strictly follow.
ReplyDeleteBrother Narayan Rao,
DeletePlease send me the kannada meaning of that song.
My mail ID is
Thank you.
Ultimate meaning, thanks for providing this to us.
ReplyDeleteSo far I could appreciate the song but unable to comprehend the tattva gnana and the gnana to apparently viruddha lyrics.understanding the meaning because of you itself an achievement of sorts.thank you.you have done a great service sir
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for writing down the inner meaning of this song.
ReplyDeleteA video of this song is here which lead me to search the menaing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vvBXdHfOvU&list=RDEMoLtYvIPrXNkHhtPxJYTa7A
ಎಲ್ಲಾರಿಗೂ ಅರ್ಥವಾಗುವ ರೀತಿ ಅನುವಾದಿಸಿದ್ದಕ್ಕೆ ವಂದನೆಗಳು. ತುಂಬಾ ಅರ್ಥಗರ್ಭಿತ ಪದಗಳು.
ReplyDeleteಮಂಜುನಾಥ ಶಿವನಿ. ವ್ಯಾಂಕೋವರ್, ಕೆನಡಾ
Sir please send me Kannada meaning of it. Tq
ReplyDeleteEmail - abhilash2nisarga@gmail.com
Namaskaram🙏 thank you so much for providing meaning of tattva jnana composed by our great Purandara daasaru🙏🙏🙏
ReplyDeleteSir, Pls send me kannada version of the song with meaning to my email id.
Sir please share the kannada pdf on malgevinay@gmail.com I look forward to learning more. Thank you
ReplyDeleteGreetings @the team,
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot for those who worked on it and circulated this explanation out to us ...
Dear Sir, Please mail the Kannada version meaning .
ReplyDeleteKind regards,
Thanks for the interpretation! Jai Shri Krishna.. 🙏🙏
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Sir, please mail a kannada version of the meening to Mullu Koneya mele kriti __vamadevae@gmail.com.........,,
ReplyDeleteSir, please mail a kannada version of the meening to Mullu Koneya mele kriti __kvkamath@gmail.com......,,