Friday, October 15, 2010

Idu Bhagya Idu Bhagya-Purandaradasaru

idu bhAgya idu bhAgya idu bhAgyavayya |
padumanAbhana pAda bhajane sukhavayya ||

This is fortune, this is fortune, this is fortune; the singing of bhajans at (about) the feet of the Lord Padmanabha is joy.

kallAgi irabEku kaThiNa bhava toreyoLage |
billAgi irabEku ballavaroLage |
mellane mAdhavana manadi mechchisabEku |
bellavAgirabEku bandhu janaroLage ||

One should be as (imperturbable as) a stone, in facing difficulties;
one must be as a mute, amongst those who know (the Lord);
one must gently please the Lord (even) in one's mind;
one must be (sweet as) jaggery among one's (spiritual) kin.

idu bhAgya ||

buddhiyali tanumanava tiddikoLutirabEku |
muddAgi irabEku muniyOgigaLige |
madhva matAbdhiyali mInAgi irabEku |
shuddhanAgirabEku kAraNa trayangaLali ||

One must correct one's body and mind with the intellect;
one must be very pleasing to renunciates and yogi-s;
one must be as a fish in the ocean of Sri Madhva's doctrine;
one must be pure in the face of the three types of causes.

idu bhAgya ||

vishhaya bhOgada tR^iNake uriyAgi irabEku |
nishihagalu shrIhariya dhyAnisalubEku |
vasudheyoLu purandara viThThalana nAmava |
hasanAgi nenenenedu sukhiyAgabEku |

One must be as an incinerating blaze to the seedling of sensual desire;
one must contemplate upon Sri Hari night and day;
one must, in the world, the name of Sri Purandara Vitthala,
remember over and over, and be joyous.