Thursday, October 14, 2010

Sakala Graha Bala Nine Sarasijaksha- Purandaradasaru

sakala graha bala nInE sarasijAkshA |p|
nikhila rakshaka nIne vishwavyApakanE |a|

O Lord with eyes resembling lotus, you are the one who has powers of all grahAs (planets), and protects the entire universe. (which means there is no meaning if we pray shani/rAhu/kEtu etc without praying shri hari).

ravi candra budha nInE rAhu kEtuvu nIne
kavi guru shaniyu mangaLanu nInE
divarAthriyu nIne nava vidhAnavu nIne
bhavarOgahara nIne bEshajanu nInE |1|

You are sun, moon, venus, or comets, saturn, or any other planet. You are day or night, you are the nine vidhAnAs (6 vedAngAs, mImAmsa, nyAya, vyAkaraNa), you are the physician who can cure 'bhava' disease (which makes us take birth in this world).

pakshmAsavu nIne parva kAlavu nIne
nakshatra yOga tithi karaNa nIne
akshayavAgi draupatiya mAnakAyda
pakshivAhana nIne rakshakanu nInE |2|

You are the pakshamAsa (the month which is suitable to give tarpaNa to our forfothers), you are the parva kAla (eclipse), you are good times or inauspicious times, you, the one who protected draupadi by giving infinite saree, are the one who has garuDa as your vehicle and protects everyone.

rutu vatsaravu nIne pruthivigAdiyu nInE
kratu hOma yagna sadgatiyu nInE
jitavAgiyennoDeya purandara viTalane
shrutige silukada apratima mahima nInE |3|

You are rutu vatsara, ugAdi (year begining), all kinds of hOmas, and yagnas, you are the one to be reached (mOksha), O my Lord, purandara viTala, you are the one who is beyond even the vEdAs (the one who cannot be known just by vEdAs either).

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